Saturday, 16 October 2010

Why is it so dark?

Bastian: Why is it so dark?
Empress Moonchild: In the beginning it is always dark.

- From 'The NeverEnding Story'

I opened the door today and there were large yellow leaves on my doorstep. As the seasons change, it begins to get darker earlier, the heating is on and I have started wearing my winter scarves and boots again.

SAD or seasonal affective disorder can affect up to 10% of people and I certainly fall into this percentage. I just wanted to share one of my viewpoints on depression, as I don't believe it is always a bad thing to be afraid of.

It is a societal discourse that we 'should' spend our weekends going out and partying and being very sociable and active. As much as I do like to go out with my friends and have a good dance, I have actually really enjoyed my weekend spending lots of time in bed watching movies, eating chocolate, listening to music, writing, thinking, cleaning my room and generally catching up with myself.

We are taught by society to put on a happy face, to answer the question, 'how are you?' with the standard reply of, 'good thanks' and depression is generally given to us as a diagnosis of something being wrong.

Sometimes, depression can come as a way to make us take a break from trying so hard and being so busy with our lives. By virtue of the way it affects our bodies, we are forced to slow down, even stop and take care of ourselves for a bit.

Personally the darkest times in my life have preceeded really great new beginnings. These times of darkness or depression were neccessary for me to take the time to heal, learn and grow. There was no way I would have been able to make these transitions without going through the times of solitude and introspection that I did.

An existential argument is that the opposite of happiness is not is boredom. As the opposite of love is not hate, but disinterest. Both of these states sit at opposing ends of the same spectrum, they are two sides of the same coin.

With one comes the other. If we are to experience happiness, joy, elation, excitement, passion, bliss, we are also to experience sadness, darkness, loss, grief, darkness, depression and misery.

The worst thing I've found you can do is try to fight it, it only prolongs the process. It is ok to feel low and sad sometimes, try to give yourself permission to feel it and lots of time and treats to comfort yourself while you are in this place. Wait it out, accept it, recognise that it will not last forever.

After darkness always comes light, after winter always come spring, after sadness always comes healing and joy as you find yourself again. Love each other and yourselves through it all.

NB. If you are seriously struggling with symptoms of depression it is important to see your Doctor for professional advice.

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